Bug Bounty Q&A with one of the Richest Bug Bounty hunters who made over $2M in bounties Q&A with one of the richest bug bounty hunters in the world, Cosmin who made over $2M in bug bounties. What is his advice for the new bug bounty hunters?
Bug Bounty Patch. Bypass. Repeat: Story of a FaceBook Page Admin Disclosure bug worth $5000 The "Edit History" feature in Document Creation feature of Facebook Groups disclosed page admin identities under certain conditions.
Bug Bounty Stealing your private documents through a bug in Google Docs A security vulnerability in Google Docs could have let attackers steal screenshots of your sensitive documents. The cause of this was a postMessage security misconfiguration.
news Hacker makes $2 Million Dollars in Bug Bounty earnings Hacker makes $2 Million Dollars in bug bounties on Hackerone, becomes the richest bug bounty hunter in the world, and the first to reach this milestone.