Bug Bounty Q&A with one of the Richest Bug Bounty hunters who made over $2M in bounties Q&A with one of the richest bug bounty hunters in the world, Cosmin who made over $2M in bug bounties. What is his advice for the new bug bounty hunters?
Bug Bounty Patch. Bypass. Repeat: Story of a FaceBook Page Admin Disclosure bug worth $5000 The "Edit History" feature in Document Creation feature of Facebook Groups disclosed page admin identities under certain conditions.
Bug Bounty Vulnerability in Facebook that revealed a Page Admin's Identity A security vulnerability in Facebook could reveal a Facebook page's admin through Seller Messaging feature in a group owned by the page.
Bug Bounty Stealing your private documents through a bug in Google Docs A security vulnerability in Google Docs could have let attackers steal screenshots of your sensitive documents. The cause of this was a postMessage security misconfiguration.
news Hacker makes $2 Million Dollars in Bug Bounty earnings Hacker makes $2 Million Dollars in bug bounties on Hackerone, becomes the richest bug bounty hunter in the world, and the first to reach this milestone.
PayPal Thoughts on The Confusing Process to Setup 2FA on PayPal account The process to setup 2FA on PayPal for account security was by far the most difficult, time consuming and confusing process ever. In this post, we have simplified and explained the process.